How to contact us
E-mail us
You may e-mail us directly at: info@joli-ecotours.com with all your questions.
Important: if you consider travelling with us, we kindly ask you to fill in our contact form in place of only e-mailing us. It is very helpful if we receive your specified requests and information in the form, so we can provide you with the best response possible.
Contact our office
Our office is staffed by Cindy Noordermeer-Panou, who will answer your emails and will make travel proposals based on your wishes. Cindy is Dutch and English speaking, so if you are from The Netherlands and feel more comfortable asking your questions in Dutch, please do so.
Our office can be reached at:
T. + 233.24.7522173
E. info@joli-ecotours.com
Contact Apollo Panou
Apollo Panou can be reached at:
T. + 233.20.8120856
T. + 233.27.4045025
E. info@joli-ecotours.com
Apollo speaks English and French.
Postal address
Jolinaiko Eco Tours flyerJolinaiko Eco Tours
P.O. box DD79
Dodowa, Greater Accra
Booking Terms and conditions
Please refer to our Booking Terms and Conditions, which apply to all our tours.
Please read them carefully before confirming your booking with us.
We have a flyer you can download for your own use or to send to other people:
General company information in Dutch
If you want general information about the Jolinaiko Eco Tours Company (so not for travel information or proposals) from someone in The Netherlands, you may get in contact with Remco Kalf. As the web designer of this website, an advisor to Jolinaiko and a board member/founder of the Stepping Stones for Africa Foundation in The Netherlands who offers ongoing technical support to Jolinaiko Eco Tours, Remco will be more than happy to respond to your questions. You may contact him at remco@steppingstonesforafrica.org or on the number +31-(0)70-3819122.
Partnerships and accreditations
We are proud to be the TravelLocal partner of choice for Ghana. On TravelLocal.com you can create and book tailor-made holidays with local experts in your destination.
Jolinaiko Eco Tours is a Licensed Tour Operator with the Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA)
We are also registered with the Tour Operator Union of Ghana (TOUGHA).
Follow us on social media
Follow us on our social media accounts:
If you have had a great experience, we appreciate a review!